Being on a path of existential development can be lonely, especially if you are unwilling to give up your intellectual autonomy and your sensual intuitions.
This existential accompaniment welcomes creative and autonomous (existential) seekers. We can provide you with spaces, tools and activities that support your search for what is real, help you break through fears, and vitalize your body. Through exploration, experimentation and learning about loving and dying, we support you in your search for a personal expression of what it means to be human.
Using techniques from western and eastern (embodied) philosophy, performance, improvisation, storytelling, ritual, myth, martial art and music therapy, we support you in exposing your ideas about yourself and the world, allowing for a deeper self-recognition and a more intense experience of being alive.
about stijn
"On the existential path, we all stand naked before the great unknown. Anyone who claims otherwise should not be trusted.
From a total dedication to being devoured by the present moment -always right here- and the understanding that no shiny degrees or pontifical approval can erase the fear of being nothing, I am happy to walk with you for a while. May our shared commitment to radical honesty be a source of mutual support."