love touch intimacy sexuality
follow beauty
"Follow beauty. It cannot be objectified.
Look profoundly at what is beauty,
and you will discover that it is
what has never changed in you."
(Jean Klein)
Follow Beauty is a training in love, intimacy, touch, and sexuality as a path to self-awareness and self-discovery. Participants learn to attune to themselves and their (occasional) partner, reveal themselves without shame or censoring, cultivate body awareness and energetic discipline, enhance pleasure for both partners, and deepen self-recognition through insight meditation.

types of meditation in this course

(Re)sensitising the body using techniques that originated in Kashmir (Tantric Shaivism, Trika & Kaula lineages)

Remaining deeply rooted in your essence nature while deeply connecting with others

Opening and harmonising the bodies, following your energetic body, intensifying connection

Recognising the essence of your awareness in connection with your partner
a case against love
What would happen if we would give up our desire to love and to be loved? Can we then be together without seeking to fulfill our own needs? And if so, would it enable us to give more space to others to express their own way of being human?” That’s the topic of this episode: love as being different together.

some practicals
Please wear clothes that allow you to move. (specific instructions may follow after registration)
You can come with a(n occasional) partner or on your own. All genders, sexual orientations, and body types are most welcome. We're not aiming for a gathering of beautiful people floating angelically in perfect spiritual merchandise. Real people, diverse bodies, bringing ourselves with radical honesty, penetrating the essence of who we are. With some sporadic angelic floating :)
If you come with a partner, at any point you can choose to work in the couple or to change partners.
This workshop is body and sex positive, though there will be no sexual exercises in this introductory workshops. Nakedness is welcome (though optional) as is sexual energy. You are always in charge of what happens with your body and how much clothing you wear.
Core to this workshop is
becoming more intimate with yourself and your body.
Therefore you will never be asked to do anything that you don't want to do.
It is all about following what is true for you.
This section outlines your ideal preparation. Do what works best for you - don't kill yourself.
No ejaculations or peak orgasms for at least 3 days before the course.
Avoid coffee, alcohol, and other substances for at least 48 hours prior.
Eat healthy, fresh food, and engage in regular physical activity (at least twice a week) that makes you sweat and raises your heart rate for 30 minutes or more (beginning at least a week before each gathering)
Set aside at least 15 minutes daily for meditation. You can find some meditation instructions here.
Why all this? To deeply connect with your partner, it’s essential to first develop an intimate awareness of your own body. Additionally, maintaining a healthy body and brimming sexual energy will make the practices easier.
some thoughts...
upcoming program
inner sky
Inner Sky is a transformative meditation training spanning 6 months with 4 weekend gatherings. You practice concentration and deepen your self-insight with both silent and guided meditation (on a cushion). Then, you learn how to apply these insights and this quality of presence in daily life through embodied and relational meditation (in movement and connection with others).