The Reset
Cutting through by making the unconscious conscious
What is The Reset?
The Reset is an intense four-day international retreat designed for adults and youngsters. We provide intense transformative practices that expose and alter your limiting narratives and conditionings, empowering you to embrace a new beginning. Welcome to a journey of self-insight and growth.
Through this reset, you’ll discover how to disrupt old patterns, converting anger into agency, sadness into deeper connections with yourself and those around you, and fear into valuable insights and understanding.
“The Reset” offers a pluralistic approach to personal transformation, encompassing three key areas. Firstly, the practice of authentic presence encourages intimacy with oneself and others, facilitating genuine connections. Secondly, embodied introspection (also known as shadow work) involves resetting physical and cognitive filters that distort perception, allowing for a clearer view of reality. Thirdly, through meditation, participants cultivate an understanding of the mind’s essence, transcending erroneous identifications with thoughts and self-images. Combining Western critical thinking with Eastern self-understanding, the program promotes transformation through daring to think critically and knowing oneself deeply, fostering freedom from limiting narratives and conditionings.
3 pillars of the Reset
The practice of authentic presence encourages closeness with oneself and others, facilitating genuine connections.
Embodied introspection (also known as shadow work) involves resetting physical and cognitive filters that distort perception, allowing for a clearer view of reality.
Through meditation, participants cultivate an understanding of the mind’s essence, transcending erroneous identifications with thoughts and self-images.

Who is this course for?
People who tend to overthink and are afraid of the future
High-achievers that hold themselves and others to very high standards.
Those who are frustrated about the state of the planet and believe things could - and should - be better.
People who have "everything they need to be happy", but still feel as if something deeper, more substantial is missing.
Those who constantly experience business and are unable to find peace and quietness.
Enrol in the next Reset
info about next Reset (date, pricing)
By asking questions, the facilitators assist you in gaining a clear understanding of your desires and identifying any obstacles. Through visualization, you gain insight into patterns and determine your course of action. When unsure or lacking direction, facilitators suggest possibilities until they resonate with you. Ultimately, you retain control over the process.
It’s incredibly empowering to confront thoughts or ideas that have held me back for so long.
Visualizing them allows me to directly address them, whether by fighting, talking, or screaming at them, or simply releasing them. Surprisingly, I found myself completely immersed in the process, able to disregard the presence of other participants and fully surrender. It feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. While I recognize that this is a symbolic method of dealing with issues, the subsequent feeling is so tangible that I am optimistic it will translate into my everyday life.
DV (first name woudl be better)